

At Dynamic Window Tint, located in the heart of Bakersfield, CA, we specialize in professional windshield glass scratch repair. Our skilled technicians, certified by GlasWeld, are experts in removing scratches and restoring your windshield to its pristine condition. We understand how scratches can affect your driving visibility and the overall look of your vehicle. That's why we're committed to providing effective solutions that ensure your safety and your car's aesthetics.

Why Choose Us:

Choosing Dynamic Window Tint means opting for excellence in windshield scratch repair. Our GlasWeld certification signifies our expertise and commitment to using industry-leading repair techniques. We treat each vehicle with the utmost care, ensuring that every scratch repair meets our high standards for quality and durability.

Our Process

Our process begins with a thorough evaluation of the windshield to assess the depth and extent of the scratches. Utilizing GlasWeld's advanced repair technology, we meticulously remove scratches, improving visibility and restoring the glass's integrity. Our goal is to deliver a repair that not only looks great but also lasts, saving you time and money in the long run.


The difference is clear

Enhanced Safety

Scratches can impair your ability to see the road clearly. Our repair services remove these blemishes, significantly improving your driving visibility and safety.

Like-New Appearance

We understand the pride you take in your vehicle's appearance. Our scratch repair services help maintain your car's aesthetic value, keeping it looking its best.

Protect Your Investment

Unaddressed scratches can lead to further damage over time, including cracks. Early repair can prevent small issues from becoming big, costly problems.


By repairing scratches early, you can avoid the need for a more expensive windshield replacement. Our services are designed to be an affordable alternative.

Asked Questions

This is where we answer all your questions. Check it out.

Where are you located?

We are located at LOCATION_ADDRESS

How long does the scratch repair process take?

Most scratch repairs can be completed within an hour, allowing you to get back on the road with minimal downtime.

Is scratch repair covered by insurance?

This depends on your insurance policy. Some insurers cover scratch repair under comprehensive coverage. We can assist you in understanding your policy and facilitate the claim process if applicable.

Can all types of windshield scratches be repaired?

Most surface scratches can be successfully repaired. However, deeper scratches that penetrate the glass might require more assessment. We offer free evaluations to determine if a repair is possible.

Will the repaired area be completely invisible?

While we aim to minimize the visibility of repairs, some minor traces of the scratch may remain. However, the improvement is significant, and the repair area is often hardly noticeable.

How can I prevent windshield scratches in the future?

Regular maintenance and careful cleaning can reduce the risk of scratches. Avoid using abrasive materials on your windshield and keep your wipers in good condition to prevent unnecessary wear.


Ready to get started on your ride? Contact us or call us now to speak to a rep!